16th 17th 18th September 2011
Hank Lawrence 11 Sqn 1963-64 Booked id
K C Holder 11 Sqn 1964 Booked id
Brett and Angela Bretton ACC 16 Fd Amb 1964 Booked id
John and Pat Jackett 16 Fd Amb 1965 Booked id
Tom Pritchard 59Sqn 1964-66 Booked id
John and Carol Hyland 16 Fd Amb 1964 Booked id
Tony and Lorraine Cliffe 59 Sqn 1964 sadly missed Lorraine took ill
Wally Boldock 54 Fd Pk Sqn 1965 and 1966 Booked id sat only
Fred and Gill Manning 54 Fd Pk Sqn 1967-68 Booked
Eddy and Sandra Vincent 11 Ind Fd Sqn 1964 Booked id
Gerry and Carol Crowe 59 Sqn 1966-68 Booked id
Terry(tich) and Rita Milsom 59 Sqn 1966-68 Booked id
Roy and Audrey Falconer 59 Fd Sqn 1964-66 Booked id
Keith and June Polson 54 Sqn attached 34 Sqn 1966 Booked id
Steve Wilby 11 Indep Fd Sqn 1967 Booked id
Fred Collings 34 Sqn 1968 Booked id
Tony Bennett CREs Driver 1963-64 Booked id
Peter Coates 59 Sqn 1966-68 Booked with Pritchard
Pete Marsden 11 Ind Fd Sqn 1966-68 Booked id with Tomlinson
Malcolm and Shirley Thomas RCT 1964-65 Booked id
Bob sailor Crowford 11 Ind Fd Sqn 1966 calling in saturdy only
Barrie Why 11 Indep Fd Sqn 1962-65 Booked
Dave Perchard 11 Indep Fd Sqn 1963-66 Booked
Geoff and Pamela Spencer 59Sqn 1966 Booked id
Mick and Brenda Fudge 54 Sqn 1968 Booked id
Howard Tomlinson 54 Sqn Booked with Marsden id
Frank and Anne Topham 54 Sqn 1966-69 Booked id
John and Valeria Cussack 11 Indep Fd Sqn 1965-67 Booked id
Chris and Margaret Smith 11 Indep Fd Sqn 1965-68 Booked id
If your wife or partner are attending please let me have their name for the record.
ReplyDeleteI would like to wish you all a great reunion and hope it goes as well as our's 11 Indep RE as the Holiday Inn is a first class venue for a reunion.
Nobby Clarke
I will probably be attending
I wish everyone a happy reunion and hope it is a great success.
Andy Marshall
Thanks very much Andy maybe you could contact me at email above left so i can add you to roll call, with dates on op crown please.